Mission Statement

Together we will see the world through the eyes of Christ by actively learning, living and witnessing our Catholic faith in a rigorous academic environment.

Message from Board Chair

A Message from Jens Emerson

ASCS Board Chair

Board Chair Jens Emerson

Dear Prospective All Saints Catholic School Family,

Thank you for your interest in All Saints Catholic School. Your child’s education is among one of the most important decisions you will make for your family. We are blessed that you are considering All Saints Catholic School for your child’s education – and by extension – for your family. We consider ASCS one big family who supports each other throughout one’s time here.

At ASCS, our school culture is rooted in Faith, Values and Rigor. We begin each day with prayer and thanksgiving to God. We attend Mass weekly and stress living a sacramental life – not just at school but at home as a family. We make great effort in helping to develop the whole child by emphasizing values that are aligned to our faith, but also values that will enable our students to be life-long contributors to the community. Finally, our academics have been known around the community as rigorous, expecting excellence from every child, while also helping each individual grow at his/her pace. Rigorous is synonymous with being Catholic – it’s how we pray, study, learn and grow. Through rigorous discipline in all areas of human, spiritual and academic formation, we are confident that our students are well prepared when they enter high school. You may be interested to know that in recent years, almost every high school in the Kenosha County community graduated valedictorians or salutatorians who attended ASCS in their primary years.

Small class sizes, top notch teachers, strong Catholic culture, fine arts, and athletics are all part of the ASCS experience, allowing each student to achieve their peak potential. We understand that a significant portion of a child’s life is spent at school so you have our commitment to always respect your role as parents and ensure that our teaching is in line with The Truth provided by God – that Truth directs us to understand that each child is a son or daughter of Christ made in his likeness and image, who deserves dignity and respect throughout their years with us. We are a blessed community. We hope you’ll discover the reasons on your own why ASCS is the best choice. As partners in your children’s education, we are committed to ensuring excellence in all facets of our educational experience. Our teachers, staff, and board of directors are dedicated to continuing to foster the faith of our students, growing academically strong. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Regardless of the challenges we face as an individual, a school, or a community, we are strengthened with God at the center of each day at ASCS. We invite you and your family to take part in the exceptional educational experience offered at ASCS.

May God Bless You,

Jens Emerson

Board Chair


Overview History Little Ones
Overview History Graduation

All Saints Catholic School of Kenosha opened as a regional Catholic School, within the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, on July 1, 2011. The school serves close to 400 students in 3-Year-Old Preschool through Grade 8, offering a rigorous academic program, intentional faith formation, and a variety of clubs, athletics, and extracurricular activities.

The name All Saints Catholic School was selected by Archbishop Listecki as it signifies the coming together of ten local Catholic parishes and their patron saints to form one school community. Weekly Masses are celebrated by the pastors of the ten parishes.

All Saints Catholic School is dually accredited by the Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools’ Accreditation and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The school is located on the Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of Pompeii parish grounds. The education provided at All Saints Catholic School is Catholic to the core!

Affiliations & Accreditations

All Saints Catholic School is a regional school located in Kenosha and is part of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Catholic School system. All Saints Catholic School is fully accredited by the Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Accreditation and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

Image 5
Overview Affiliations & Accreditations Archdioceseofmilwaukee

School Board


Jens Emerson, [email protected]


Bill Misinski, [email protected]


Jamie Johnson, [email protected]


Stephanie Warren, [email protected]

Fr. Dwight Campbell, [email protected]
Louisa Fredriksson, [email protected]
William Kreuser, [email protected]
Jenna Pitts, [email protected]
Tim Wright, [email protected]
Kristan Pruett, [email protected]
Alyssa Stockwell, [email protected]
Bruce Varick, Associate Superintendent, [email protected]

Ex-Officio Members:
Ms. Kelly Neu, Principal, [email protected]

School Board Committees

Stephanie Warren (Chair)

Kelly Neu (Principal)

William Waddle

Jens Emerson

Rania Khoury

Jenna Pitts (Chair)

Kelly Neu (Principal)

Pauline Hammerbeck

Rebecca Gemmell

Flora Ward

Sue Wendorf

William Kreuser (Chair)

Kelly Neu (Principal)

Sue Backus (Dean of Students)

Myriam Sosa

Anthony Spatafora

Louisa Fredriksson (Co-chair)

Jamie Johnson (Co-chair)

Kevin Burrow

Jesse Gomez

Board Meeting Minutes