Grade 6

Students study Earth and Space Science, Geography, foundational skills needed for algebra, Old Testament, and Theology of the Body. They read novels such as The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and Where the Red Fern Grows, as well as many different types of information texts to develop their literary analysis skills. They still practice grammar and become proficient writers in many genres.
- Sixth grade is a transitional year with new experiences.
- The middle school atmosphere requires independent learning and organizational skills.
- Students travel throughout the building among ten different classrooms.
- Students use Chromebooks and Google Classroom in many classes.
Grade 7

Students study Pre-Algebra, Life Science (they even dissect a shark), Ancient History, and participate in the Americanism Essay Contest. They continue to refine their grammar and writing skills, citing evidence and sources, producing arguments, and writing for various purposes. They read, annotate and discuss informational texts and novels such as The Cay and Long Walk to Water.
- Students deepen their faith with study of Jesus and Theology of the Body.
- Students use Chromebooks and Google Classroom in many classes.
- Students research colleges and universities.
Grade 8

Students refine their independent learning and organizational skills through discussion, reflection, and prayer. They study Algebra, Physical Science, United States History, Catholic Church history, and Theology of the Body. Students read and analyze informational text and novels such as Milkweed and Driving Miss Daisy, and participate in the Knights of Columbus Catholic Citizenship essay contest.
- Middle school teachers respectfully encourage students to challenge themselves and their ideas.
- Area high school teachers often comment that our students are well prepared for high school!
- Students use Chromebooks and Google Classroom in many classes.
- Students collaborate to create the graduation newspaper.
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